
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

elena santarelli hot italian model

Seems to me I never had enough of this hot blonde bom sex. Her face is so seducing. She is so gorgeous, she deserve to be on toplist of european hot model. Her sensuality surpasses any hollywood actress nowadays or any elite models. She should go to hollywood or change her agent to get more expose to fame and fortune she deserve. Elena santarelli is a star model in italian circles but less known in the world. Going abroad outside Italy maybe the best for her career than just playing in italian sitcom television show as a sexy nurse or whatever role she play.


Hanny777 said...

duh udah lama gak posting disini smoga aja bisa terus continue.

Anonymous said...

Lebih panas dari sekedar biasa

Hanny777 said...

Hehehe gak berani kalau lebih panas lagi. Mau yg panas Go to tanggung sipp. Kasih kabar ya.